TayField Toy Fox Terriers is a very select home-based breeding program situated on 640 acres in the heartland of Alberta, Canada. I am committed to producing the highest quality Toy Fox Terrier in regard to Health, Temperament and Physical Soundness while producing tft's that conform to the written breed standard. At the same time I am devoted to providing my puppy people with perfect personal service based on integrity and an unwavering dedication to the well-being of every TayField puppy. All TayField tfts are housedogs and puppies lovingly raised in my home until 12 weeks of age and properly socialized.
TayField Toy Fox Terriers have won and placed at National Specialties, Regional Specialties and many are American and Canadian Champion Titled, but all are true Champions in their loyalty and unwavering dedication to their owners. Although I breed to improve and preserve this breed (proving my dogs quality through competing at the shows very successfully) my utmost goal is to produce happy, healthy dogs who excel as family pets. My dogs are Veterinarian screened for Patellar Luxation and DNA profiled for CHG, PLL and SCA prior to breeding.
Make yourself a cup of coffee or tea and settle in for a visit. I'm sure you will learn a bit more about TayField Toy Fox Terriers, about this wonderful breed of dog and about TayField's commitment to the Toy Fox Terrier. Don't hesitate to contact me with any questions you may have and I sincerely appreciate those of you who return to see new pages and those of you who have written to say you can't have a dog, due to various circumstances, so come here to enjoy my dogs through cyberspace.
Contact: 4TayField@gmail.com
Please note this website is under construction. Pages soon to come on breed health issues, puppies in their new homes, pages about my dogs and many other topics.
Y'all Come back now, you hear?

All images on this website are copyrighted and the sole property of TayField Perm Reg'd and may not be copied, printed, downloaded or used in any way without written permission. If you are interested in any of the photos please contact me to order a print or a list of print price.
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